MBA - Specific Programmes provided in China

with specialisation in International Hospitality Management & Home Retirement Management

MBA - Specific Programmes provided in China

This MBA programme responds to the growing specific demands of international students who wish to pursue a career as a manager in the various service sectors. It lasts for two years. The first year being a common core and the second year a choice of specialisation.

The objective of the programme is to equip students with a more comprehensive set of skills and knowledge to cope with a competitive and rapidly changing world. Students will gain a solid practical understanding of the management trends that are making a difference internationally.

The programme provides an educational opportunity in applied hospitality science, management, teamwork and decision-making. It also provides in-depth expertise in practical research and critical analysis.

Students learn the characteristics and techniques used in the context of applied, goal-oriented management. They learn to integrate different specialisations and techniques within the overall framework of goal-oriented organisations. They will be able to apply management theory in a number of case studies.

Your academic career

First year (common core)

  • International Business Management
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
  • Enterprise Risk Management & Internal Audit Management
  • Human Resources - Leadership and Management
  • Corporate Financial Management
  • Sustainable Development & Innovation
  • Corporate Business Plan

Second year (Specialisation)

  • International Hospitality & Tourism Management

    • Operational Courses
    • Front Office Operations + Food & Beverage Operations
    • Internship
    • Advanced Internship of 6 months - Professional Managerial Training
    • Dissertation
    • Research - Guidance and Preparation
  • Home Retirement Management

    • Operational Courses
    • Senior Living Communities + Senior Living Market Forces
    • Case Study
    • Four Case Studies – General Management
    • Dissertation
    • Research - Guidance and Preparation

  • International Business

1. International Business Law in the Global Market

This course provides a thorough exploration of the legal foundations governing cross-border business activities. Students will delve into the intricacies of international contract law, understanding the nuances of contract formation, performance, and dispute resolution in a global context. The course also covers key aspects of trade regulations, compliance strategies for multinational corporations, and the protection of intellectual property rights on theinternational stage. Additionally, students will examine alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and the ethical considerations inherent in international business practices. Through a combination of lectures, case studies, and interactive discussions, participants will gain practical insights into navigating the legal complexities of international business transactions, enhancing their ability to make informed and ethically sound decisions in the global marketplace.

 2. Human Resources Business-Ethics and Across Cultures:

Focusing on the critical intersection of human resources, business ethics, and cross-cultural dynamics, this course delves into the complexities of managing diverse workforces in a global context. Students will explore ethical considerations in HR decision-making, address cultural challenges in recruitment, training, and performance management, and develop strategies for fostering an inclusive and ethical organizational culture. Case studies and real-world examples will be analyzed to provide practical insights into managing human resources with a strong ethical foundation across diverse cultural settings.

3. Financial Management-Asset and Investment: 

This course delves into advanced topics in financial management, specifically focusing on asset management and investment strategies. Students will explore portfolio management, risk assessment, valuation techniques, and investment decision-making. Emphasis will be placed on the integration of financial theories into practical investment scenarios, enabling students to make informed financial decisions in the dynamic and evolving landscape of global markets. Case studies and financial modeling exercises will be employed to enhance analytical and decision-making skills.

4. Case Study-International Business

Centered on real-world applications, this course emphasizes the analysis and interpretation of international business cases. Students will examine the challenges and opportunities faced by global companies in diverse industries, applying theoretical frameworks to understand complex business situations. Topics include international market entry strategies, global supply

  • Circular Economy

1. New Business Models:

This course explores innovative approaches to business models, focusing on contemporary trends and disruptive strategies that drive organizational success in dynamic markets. Students will delve into the identification and implementation of new business models that leverage technological advancements, sustainability practices, and changing consumer behaviors. Through case studies, industry analyses, and collaborative projects,students will develop a deep understanding of the factors influencing the creation and adaptation of business models in the ever- evolving business landscape.

2. Reverse Logistics:

This course examines the critical components of reverse logistics, emphasizing the management of product returns, recycling processes, andsustainable supply chain practices. Students will explore the challenges and opportunities associated with reverse logistics, including the reduction of environmental impact, cost-effective returns management, and the integration of circular economy principles. Through case studies and practical exercises, students will develop the skills to design and implement effective reverse logistics systems that contribute to both environmental sustainability and operational efficiency.

 3. Materials, Resources, Energy, and Competitiveness:

This course delves into the strategic management of materials, resources, and energy in the context of enhancing organizational competitiveness. Students will analyze the impact of resource availability, sustainability practices, and energy management on overall business performance. Topics include life cycle assessments, resource efficiency, and the integration of sustainable practices into supply chain and production processes. Through case studies and industry-focused projects, students will develop the knowledge and skills to formulate and implement strategies that optimize material, resource, and energy use while maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

4. Case Study-Circular Economy:

Centered on the principles of the circular economy, this case study course explores how organizations can transition from linear to circular business models. Students will analyze real-world cases to understand how companies implement circular economy principles such as recycling, remanufacturing, and waste reduction to achieve economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Through collaborative discussions, presentations, and hands-on projects, students will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of adopting circular economy practices across various industries, preparing them to drive sustainable and circular business transformations in their future

Contact us for further information!

email us at:

Abundance International Education Institute (AIEI)

Shenzhen, Guangdong 518052 - China

You have a question? Contact us by phone: +(86)755-2394-2757

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